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Log File Entry & Maintenance
from the main menu to get to this screen.
Screen Layout
This is the heart of the system. All odometer log entries are input on this screen: fuel, state lines, toll roads, road changes, loads, truck maintenance and month end odometer settings. While it is recommended to input your odometer log entries in order, it is not required; the program will keep your entries in order by odometer and date.
For each log entry, you will provide the entire odometer setting (no tenths), the state or province, and the date. Your initial odometer entry should have been made when you set up the truck in Overall Truck Setup. Do not make any odometer entries for odometer settings less than what you provided in Overall Truck Setup.
While driving, most truckers have a notepad for logging state lines, fuel stops, and other events. Rig Expense Tracker has some predefined forms that are geared to assist you with the logging task. Please see the Forms help topic regarding this.
Log Entry Types
The large buttons on the left of the screen are the gateways to the maintenance screens. Each maintenance type will first display a screen for entering the odometer, state or province, and date. Some of the entry types may ask for a clarification of the exact type of log entry (such as for toll roads: on or off).
State Line Change. Whenever you cross a border, you must log the state or province for which you are entering. Only the odometer, state (or province) and date fields are needed for this log entry type.
Toll Road On/Off. For states and provinces that require the logging of toll roads. Log getting onto the toll road and log getting off the toll road. You do not need to log a toll road off and on if you cross state lines, the software will recognize that fact because of the state/province line log entry that you would be making anyway. Only the odometer, state (or province) and date fields are needed for this log entry type.
Road Change. This is for keeping track of road changes (as required by some state audits). Road changes require more data to be entered than just the odometer, state (or province) and date. A screen will display for you to enter information.
Fuel Stop. Log an entry for each fuel stop. Fuel stops require more data to be entered than just the odometer, state (or province) and date. A screen will display for you to enter information.
Trip Start/End. A trip is logged with a trip start and trip end. Traditionally, it will wrap around a load start and load complete. However, you may start and stop a trip whenever you would like. Trip entries are not required, but are a good idea to use.
Load Pickup/Drop Off. You will always log a "Load Pickup/Start" and a "Load Drop Off (Complete)" for each load you take. Additional pickups and drop offs for the same "load" may be logged as well. Loads require more data to be entered than just the odometer, state (or province) and date. A screen will display for you to enter load information. (Additional pickups and drop offs will allow you to enter the location and any notes needed.)
Maintenance Entry. Anything and everything that is done to the truck should be recorded. Maintenance entries require more data to be entered than just the odometer, state (or province) and date. A screen will display for you to enter information.
Month End Odometer Setting. The very last entry made for each month must be a month end odometer setting. No IFTA or monthly reporting may be done without this entry.
Other Screen Functions
Use the
Edit odometer, state, or date button to alter the log entry's odometer, state or province, or date information. You may also right-click on the log entry in the grid and select "Edit odometer, state, or date" from the pop-up menu.
Use the
Edit Data for ... button to access the data screen behind the log entry. This button will only be displayed when you are on a log entry that has a corresponding data screen. You may also right-click on the log entry in the grid and select "Edit data for ..." from the pop-up menu.
If you wish to delete a log entry, click on it in the grid on the left and then click the
Delete Log Entry button.
From time to time, it is recommended to click the
Check for Errors button. This will scan the log entries for errors such as missing state codes and missing dates. It will look for entires made to a state or province, but you forgot to input the State/Province Line entry. It will also make sure that your dates are in order and that month end odometer entries have been proparly made.
Show Open Loads button will display a grid of the loads that are currently open. If something shows up on this display that you did not expect, then most likely you forgot to enter the Load Drop off (Complete) entry.
The Show Open Trips button will display a grid of the trips that are currently open. If something shows up on this display that you did not expect, then most likely you forgot to enter the Trip End entry.
You may double-click on a log entry in the grid to go to that entry's data screen. If the log entry does not have a corresponding data screen, then you will be taken to the edit screen for the odometer, state and date.
Right-clicking on a log file entry will display a pop-up menu for the choices available for that log entry type. Some types, such as load pick up and load complete, will display additional menu selections. For example, the the load complete will allow direct access to the load report.
If you have multiple log file entries with the same odometer, then you will see up
and down
arrows appear to the left of the grid when one of those entries is selected. These arrows will allow you to move an entry up or down within the like odometer group so that they appear in the desired order.