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Log Entry Odometer Screen
This screen is entered from the Log File screen.
How to Use
This screen is used to input or change the odometer, state/province, and date for log entries. State and province codes are input either by typing their abbreviation or by selecting the code from a list via the button. The date may be manually entered (typically in a mm/dd/yyyy fashion) or by selecting from a calendar via the down-arrow button.
When adding, some log entry types will require that you further specify the type of log entry desired. These types are:
State/province line. You will need to indicate whether you acquired a special trip permit to drive through this state or province. Indicating that you have a trip permit for this state or province makes that state or province exempt on the IFTA reporting.
Toll Road. You will need to indicate whether you are getting on or off of a toll road.
Loads. You will need to specify if this is a new load, an additional pick up, a partial load drop off, or if you are completing the load.
Click the Save & Exit button to save your changes. If adding a new log entry, you may be redirected to a log entry screen for additional input, depending on the type of log entry. For example, state line changes only require the information on this screen, whereas a fuel stop will ask you for fuel-related information.
Click the Cancel button to exit this screen without saving any data. This will also cancel adding a new log entry.