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Summary Report
This screen is accessed from the Reports - Summary Report on the main menu.
(Note: This report satisfies the data requirements for the "Summary Report for Individual Vehicles" and "Summary Reports for Fleets.")
The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of miles by state or province.
How to Use
Before running this report, please make sure that all of your odometer entries for state/province line changes and month end have been logged. This report will not run if month end odometer entries have not been made.
Begin by selecting the timespan for the report. You may run this report for a single month, a quarter, or a full year. After selecting the timespan, change the Year/Month/Quarter fields accordingly.
If you have multiple trucks, then you will see a box to the right asking you if you wish to run this report for multiple trucks. By default, the report would be run for the current truck selected. If you wish to run this for multiple trucks, select "Multiple Trucks", click on the Select Trucks button, and choose the trucks from the list provided.
Next, click the Retrieve Data button. This will review all of your log entries for the timespan selected and start performing some of the calculations. The process will stop if any errors in the log file are detected. These errors must be corrected before the report may be run.
If the retrieve process is successful, it will display a green panel with some of the tallies.
Finally, choose one of the reporting buttons to run the report.
will view the report,
will print the report, and
will email the report.
Report Contents
This report will print the state or province and corresponding mileage.