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Company Information
Select Tools - Company Information from the main menu to get to this screen.
Screen Layout
Enter your name, address and other information on this screen. For invoicing purposes, enter your remit to name and address where indicated.
Use the Invoice Footer Message to convey a message on the "Total Due" line of the invoice (load and general). This message may contain HTML tags. For example: <b>This is</b> a <i>test</i> <u>sentence</u>. Would come out looking like: This is a test sentence.
Automatic Load Numbering will allow you to have your load i.d.s filled in for you (on the load screen). Load i.d.s can be a maximum of 15 characters. For example, if your last load i.d. looked like "ABCD000105" then you would set the prefix field to "ABCD", the next number to 106, the number of digits to 6, and the suffix to blank. Doing so will give you "ABCD000106" as the next load i.d.
Main Screen Statistics Start Date will allow you to start the fuel and cost statistics at a specific date.
How To Add a Logo to your Invoices
If you have a logo that you wish to have printed on your invoices, click the
button and locate your logo. Logos must be a square bitmap file. If the logo is not square, you may not see all of the logo when it prints on your invoices.
Use the
button to delete the use of a logo.
Make sure you save your changes
before exiting.